Saturday, December 24, 2011

Of all the things this time of year brings

There is a place
Revealed by the smile on your face
Your heart is warmed

We get the benefit
To know
The one that serves
Has answered our call
With a gift that keeps on giving



Sunday, December 18, 2011

GOD the Great Spirit

The mind of GOD above all they see,
From the realm of the divine all woven together
The beginning and the end of time

There is light burning bright
The sun to shine
Warmth for those still alive

Love bound together
Spirits in flight
Morning, Noon and Night

They linger in delight
Taking off in flight
Ecstatic souls of old

New words
New days
The heart rejoices singing praise

For GOD; is, was, and always will be
unlike the god of man
you only need to take my hand and make a stand

For the Great Spirit is Love
Loves Justice and
Brings peace


True Love

True Love
The best that life has to offer
Worth more than all the money in the world

Fleeting and rare
For some one of the hardest things to find
For others easy and abundant

Bringing endless smiles
Two as one traveling for miles
Turning hours into minutes and minutes into hours

Contentment and joy
Hearts pounding

Bodies entwined

True Love is a gift
Energy that doesn't lie
Music that never ends

True Love is a song
Found in the heart
A gift